Circumstances may be such that you are days, not weeks, away from moving. It’s easy to panic and freeze because of the many tasks that need to be done, but if you develop a detailed plan and find helpers, you’re sure to have your home ready to move quickly.

Your moving plan should include a rough timetable of what you need to do, dealing with paperwork and contracts for housing and utilities, and the packing of your belongings. By having a plan, you can avoid last-minute scrambling. As for helpers, you can either hire movers or enlist the help of friends and relatives. Delegating one thing or another will shorten your preparation time. Other useful tips are listed below:

Use moving apps

Consider using moving apps or task management apps to stay on track. These apps can help you keep a detailed moving checklist, track progress, and set reminders. Some apps even offer checklists and tips specific to the moving process, making it easier to stay organized and on schedule.

Declutter before packing

Before packing, go through each room and decide what you actually want to take with you. Sell, donate, or recycle things you no longer use or need, and this way you’ll reduce the number of items to move, making the process faster.

Gather packing supplies in advance

Ensure you have all the necessary packing supplies before you start: moving boxes, packing paper and packing tape, bubble wrap, and labels or markers. The latter are needed to label the boxes, indicating what you have packed inside. For better organization, assign a color or label for each room (e.g., red for kitchen, blue for bedroom), and use the corresponding stickers or markers on the boxes. This system will also help movers know where to place the boxes in the new house.

Pack room by room

Focus on one room at a time. Start with rooms or areas that you use the least, such as storage spaces, guest rooms, or basements. Leave the kitchen and the bathroom for the last day.

Leave Clothing on Hangers

Instead of folding and packing clothing individually, leave them on hangers and use garbage bags or wardrobe boxes to bundle them. Simply place a large garbage bag over groups of hanging clothes and tie it around the hangers.

Take Photos of Electronics Setups

To make reassembly quicker, take photos of your electronics’ wiring setups before disassembling them. This step will save time when reconnecting your TV, computers, or gaming consoles in your new home. It’s a simple trick to avoid confusion and trial and error later on.

Keep important documents and valuables separate

To prevent delays and last-minute searching, set aside important documents, passports, jewelry, and valuables in a secure, easily accessible location. Carry these items with you on moving day to avoid having to search through boxes.